The field 'App\Entity\TableUser#stack' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\TableUser#bet' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\TableUser#betSum' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\TableUserInvoice#sum' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\TournamentPrize#sum' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The mappings App\Entity\TournamentPrize#winner and App\Entity\User#prizes are inconsistent with each other.
The field 'App\Entity\Winner#sum' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Table#maxBet' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Table#smallBlind' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Table#bigBlind' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Table#ante' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Tournament#balance' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Tournament#smallBlind' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Tournament#bigBlind' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Tournament#ante' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\Tournament#guaranteedPrizePool' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\TableSetting#buyIn' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\TableSetting#smallBlind' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
The field 'App\Entity\TableSetting#bigBlind' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.